"For those who went before, for those yet to come, we serve!"
The Brothers-In-Arms Motorcycle Club (BIAMC) was formed in 2002 to support the members of our Armed Forces, past and present, to create camaraderie between like-minded individuals who share our love of motorcycling, and to promote charitable causes that benefit our military, veterans, and the community.
The Brothers-In-Arms MC is a neutral, non-territorial, traditional motorcycle club.
Our club is open to all active duty personnel, drilling reservists, national guardsmen, military retirees, and any veterans (with an honorable discharge) who ride cruiser-style motorcycles (including touring bikes and trikes) of 650cc or greater capable of highway speeds.
The Brothers-In-Arms MC is a motorcycle club first and foremost. We are not a VMC. Military status is simply a condition of membership.
If you want more information about joining a chapter in your area or if there is no chapter in your area and you are interested in membership, don't hesitate to get in touch with us by clicking on "contact us" above and your message will get to the right person.
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Patch holders please submit photos on the member's only page
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© 2023
All images and photos shown on this website and its subpages are the property of the Brothers-In-Arms Motorcycle Club. The Shield & Swords crest is trademarked. Any reproduction or use without the express permission of the Brothers-In-Arms MC is strictly prohibited and punishable by law.